Pride and Prejudice


p. 1 ~ 5

1..... Netherfield Park has been let at last? let = rent

2. a young man with a large fortune ( fortune = wealth)

He received a large fortune when his uncle died.
He did not deserve such fortune.

3. annoying 討厭的;惱人的,

4 delight (v + in + noun) 高興;喜愛;取樂[(+in)]

She delights in her work.

5 crossly 故意為難地

6. ridiculous 可笑的,荒謬的;滑稽的

P 6~10

1 nasty (n) 討厭的人;令人不快的事物(狀況)[C]; ( adj.) 齷齪的;令人作嘔的;使人難受的

2. inherit ( v) 繼承(傳統,遺產等)

3. dreadful 可怕的,令人恐懼的;令人敬畏的 ;【口】糟透的;非常討厭的

P. 11 ~~ 15

1. fetch (去)拿來;去拿.

A Midsummer Night's Dream and Other Stories from Shakespeare's Plays


P.1 ~ 5

nun 修女;尼姑[C]

wood (1) 木頭;木材;木柴[U] The pavilion is made of wood. 這亭子是木造的。
(2) 森林,樹林[C] It is lovely walking in the woods. 在樹林中散步很愉快。

fairy 小妖精;仙女

elves ( 單數 elf, 跟 leaf - leaves 一樣) (神話中)淘氣的小鬼,小精靈

The Little Prince

P1 ~ 5


boa constrictor










P.6 ~ P10



Andersen's Fairy Tales

Level 1

Charpter 1


2009 年英文作文成果發表


澳洲研究: 嘮叨對孩子有用 父母要堅持 父母對孩子嘮叨是有用的! 澳洲研究人員說,有時候父母碎碎唸,孩子似乎沒反應,不過他們還是聽進去了。 雪梨大學研究員馬丁說,只要父母師長堅持下去,不輕易放棄,對孩子都會有影 響。
馬丁研究了三千多個澳洲中學生的學習動機、專心程度、做功課的狀況、出席情 形以及在校心情。馬丁說,父母對孩子在功課上的影響比同學大,而同儕對孩子 的情緒影響比較大。 所以,父母千萬不要以為孩子似乎沒聽就放棄嘮叨;事實上, 不斷要孩子讀書、關心孩子,對孩子確實有用。



免費 K.K. 音 標 課 程 回條

教師: IVY ( 美國加州 Santa Monica 大學畢)
時間: 1/ 9 ( 六) 1/16 ( 六), 1/23 ( 六) 上午 11 :00 ~ 12:00
對象: 限 國小 4 年級 ~ 國一

學生 姓名:


有任何疑問, 請洽 7933173 或 聯絡 IVY 老師 0920599242

陳怡穎 ( 高一 )

Hello, my name is Alice. I was born in Taiwan. I am a cute girl; I am 15 years old.

I live in a typical Taiwanese family. I have a father, mother and a sister. We all live together. Our house is small, but it’s snug and warm. At the front of our house we have our living room where I play with my sister.

My family has a car, a computer, a TV with a washing machine. Mom and Dad have mobile phones, and I am hoping to get one soon.

The day starts at about 6:30 when Dad gets up. My sister and I wake up , then go to the bathroom to wash the teeth. We have breakfast at 7 o’clock. I usually eat an apple, two eggs and toast with jam. I also drink a glass of milk.

After breakfast, my sister and I, put on our school uniform. I wear a purple shirt and a check skirt.

I bring lunch box to school, which contains things like chicken, eggs and vegetable. Sometimes I have the lunch with friends.

Every Saturday, my family and I , go to the restaurant to eat dinner after we have a walk in the park. That’s a perfect day !

I love my family very much.

SU ( 高二 )

Teacher’s Day is considered important because education is considered very important in our society. We can say that education is foundation of civilization . Teachers play the vital role to deliver knowledge and moral education. Both government and parents show respect to teachers, to help student recognize the contribution of teachers, which will ease education.

Miss Pong was the teacher who influenced me the most in junior high school. She paid a lot of attention to us and communicate with us patiently. She also asked some elite students to share tips to get better score. What we learned from Miss Pong is not only knowledge from books, but also the attitude of managing things and our life.

I appreciate all what my teachers did for us. I usually send them a card to express my appreciation and respect on Teacher’s Day.

Observing The Night Sky
陳怡穎 ( 高一 )

I still remember how the milky way and the star cluster attracted me. One day, my friend invited us to his house. One
of our friends brought a telescope which revealed the mysterious night sky.

We took turns to use the telescope because we couldn’t see some little stars. We observed Venus, Upiter and its four moons, Saturn and its moon. In order to see the whole sky, we had to venture out the house and set the telescope on the pavement. That attracted some of his neighbors, and suddenly, we became
experienced amateur astronomers explaining the intriguing aspects of planets and stars to them.

We didn’t understand the movement of the star clusters, sometimes we found them, sometimes we didn’t. They were really “ naughty kids “ high above in the sky !

Observing The Night Sky
黃千昇 (高三)

Watching the sky in a lonely night may bring us lonely feeing. On last Christmas I couldn’t find any friends to hand out with me. I got bored and went to observe the sky by myself. Sitting at a quiet place, a special feeling came, and romantic imagination followed.

Even I couldn’t name the stars, I had visual enjoyment. I wasn’t disturbed to observe the sky. In the clear sky many stars were shinning; some were bright and some were faint. They did attract me, I couldn’t help but say BRAVO ! I fell into a happy imagination and dream that a lovely girl was sitting at my side. I told her, “ Your eyes look like the stars.” She smiled but kept silent.

Leaving the nice place, came the lonely feeling occupying my heart. I bought a drink. The lonely feeling sank into me deeply after drinking a little bit. Why don’t I face the feeling? I couldn’t find a good answer. Under the night sky, I expected the stars could give me the answer.

My Summer Camp
費名蓁 ( 國二)

I knew the summer camp from my aunt. My mother encouraged me to attend it. I am accompanied by my brother to participate the camp activities.

There were ten teams, and every team had 12 people . We had many activities: moonlit excursion, tasks, ghost stories, water -ballon game, etc. I made many friends , on of them could dance hip-hop ( street dance). The story “ Little Girl in Red” from our instructor did scare me. I would never forget the “ Water Monster” and “ Garbage Ghost” we met when we had moonlit excursion.

I had a lot of fun in summer camp. I plan to participate summer camp again in next year.

王琳 ( 高二)

We cannot exaggerate the importance of attidue. Good attitude can make a person succeed. Your positive attitude impress other well, which will encourage them to help you.

Attitude is more important then aptitude. When you want to buy something, walking into a retail store, and asking the store sales,
but they answer impatiently. I bet you will never want to buy goods in that store. Many people with aptitude can’t build good
and productive relationship , because their bad attitude makes them los friends.

We need to develop optimistic attitudes: preparing for the worst, but expecting the best, avoiding perfectionism, attitude of gratitude. Nothing can stop the man with positive attitude from achieving his goal. Optimistic attitude will bring you a happier, healthier , even wealthier life.

The Most Precious Thing in My Room
陳怡穎 ( 高一 )

There are many little things kept in my room: a lovely pillow, a doll, a pink closet, etc. Among them the Teddy Bear box is the most precious thing which has included lovely gifts from friends, my teachers
and my parents.

Pandora’s Box has happiness, sadness, madness, excitement; my
Teddy Bear box has ONLY happy memories. I was the Teddy
Bear box in one bookstore, it was so cute that I decided to take it. The first thing which I put in the box is a CD with photos taken with my classmates. I also put birthday and Christmas cards in it.

The Teddy Bear box is my time machine, it brings me lots of joy when I open it and take out the stuff from it. It contains all my memories. I’ll cherish it forever.

Happy Weekend
陳怡穎 ( 高一 )

We had a happy weekend with friends. My mother’s friends invited us to go camping. We decided to go to a mountain located between Kaohsiung and Pin Tong. We went by car. We drove listening to music and chatting happily.

Arriving at noon time, we set up the tents and stared to cook. We took out stoves, pots, baskets and so on. Women prepared food: men enjoyed tea; kids played and ran around. Time flew so fast, the sky got dark. We were very excited when we find fireflies. My younger sister even found the Big Dipper by naked eyes in the dark sky.

Don’t you think I had a good weekend? To spend weekends with
friends or family, we can have joy and fun. We can also relax, forgetting the heavy schoolwork.

林桂如 ( 國二)

Last Saturday, there was a Typhoon , Morakot, lashing south of Taiwan. The Morakot dumped heavy rain in Taiwan. There were many areas destroyed by flood. Many people ‘s houses were washed out by storm.

I live in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. I saw many trees uprooted and street lights tumbled down. When my family went to the supermarket by car, we saw the bridge were washed out by the rainfall of the river. I worried a lot because the bridge is next to my school. I am afraid it will wash out my school. At Dream mall, we saw a lot of people fighting against the strong wind ; their umbrellas were blown away by wind.

This Typhoon did threaten Taiwan. Many people have no food and water. Some people even are homeless. How poor are they ! We have to help them. I do hope they are safe and get through the
worst time.

Typhoon Lashes Taiwan
陳怡穎 ( 高一 )

Typhoon is terrible, it may destroy houses and bridges. In Taiwan typhoon is our nightmare in summer days. But to students, it’s what we love and hate at same time; we can sty home, no homework, no exams…

The typhoon came, my family didn’t work. My mother prepared delicious food especially. We had meal and watched TV in the living room. Suddenly, on TV, we saw a bridge washed out by the heavy rain . It’s a terrible scene, in which there were many cars dropping from the bridge into the river. A scarier scene followed, a big hotel tumbled down into a river at Zhi Ben. The news on typhoon days became scary movie.

There are typhoons over Taiwan very often. Our government should prepare well to avoid such big loss

My Hobby IS Drawing

陳德容 (國二)
I have many hobbies, and drawing is my favorite hobby. If you ask me why, I cannot tell. Maybe it’s because my mother is good at drawing. My mother can draw animated portraits. My mom’s friends like to watching her drawing. I am good at drawing too, but not able to draw portraits as animated as my mom.

I can keep drawing for two hours and won’t feel tired. I practice diligently, sometimes I feel frustrated for failing to draw a pretty sketch. But I don’t give up, now I’ve got through the bottleneck and always create many great sketches. I can say drawing is a reward to me because it can be used in many places. Furthermore, I can make many friends by sharing the fun of drawing.

為什麼要學英文 ?
為什麼要學英文 ?1.在美國獨霸世界之前,英國曾經是世界上最強盛的國家,在世界各地建立了殖民地,甚至有"日不落國"的稱號,因此英文成為世界上使用最多的官方語言,這個狀況也會一直持續下去。2.繼英國之後,由於同樣也使用英語的美國在第二次世界大戰中扮演決定性的角色,因此美國成為國際世界的中心,因此英文繼續受到世界各國的普遍重視,成為大部分世界各國的第二官方與或主要第二語言。3.美國成為世界國立最強的國家後,更力行其開放的政策,廣泛吸收各國優秀專業人才到美國,成就了許多人的「美國夢」,因此美國成為其他國家人民最想移民的國家,因此學英文一種風氣。4.美國以其強大的國力及商業經濟力,成為全球貿易大國,因此也使得英文成為世界語言而吃香。5.自從電腦發明後,電腦已成為人類不可或缺的機器。 而電腦作業系統及相關的應用程式也都以英文來製作喔,所以英文也還會繼續吃香啊。

為什麼要學西班牙語 ?
西班牙語是全世界第三大使用語言. 而且學會西班牙語就 看得懂 七成的葡萄牙語, 並聽得懂 四成的意大利語. 西班牙語的實用性可想而知 !!!


拉丁美洲較沒節育的關念, 未來使用西班牙語人口會更多 。 有人的地方就有錢賺, 所以西班牙語會越來越重要!